Thursday, 18 June 2015

Curiosity in the workplace - the wellspring of innovation

A colleague raised an interesting topic for discussion on LinkedIn recently about encouraging a campaign for curiosity. We liked the initiative so we thought to put the spotlight on our trainers this time to find out where they stand on the issue. Saira Nisa’s response caught our eye, you can read it below.

There are many ways in which employers can help to encourage curiosity in the workplace. Interestingly enough, we tend to find that companies within the tech industry invest a lot of time and money into creating an environment and a culture where curiosity and creativity can exist.
Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why. ( Bernard Baruch)

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Hats off to newly qualified Masters students

An air of accomplishment filled Kingston town centre recently (21 January) as a year of hard work reached its conclusion and the first students graduated with an MA from the inaugural Internal Communication Management programme. Jointly run by Capita Learning & Development and Kingston Business School, the Masters is the only qualification of its kind in the UK, and is now accepting applications for a third successful year.

Masters in Internal Communication Management graduates
Students celebrate gaining their Masters in Internal Communications Management, run by Kingston Business School and Capita Learning & Development

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Mindfulness - How to Focus on Success

On paper, meditation and business might seem like they are worlds apart. However, in 2014, the ancient art of meditation has made a comeback and the chances are it is here to stay.

In this article ‘Mindfulness – How to Focus on Success’ we are going to explore exactly why meditation might just be the one key ingredient your day to day business is missing to levitate to the next level.

First of all – Why do we need meditation in the first place?

Knowing that we are more switched on than ever before with smart phones, laptops, emails, conference calls, contending with rush hour traffic, it is no wonder why many of us are wired up but actually melting down.

Harness your brainpower and focus on success
Take some time and clear your head to function on a higher level

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Powerful Presentations - For Business

Would you like to deliver impactful business presentations that get your message across clearly and in an inspirational way?

How about feeling a sense of inner confidence each time you walk up to the stage?

If you are saying ‘yes’ to the above questions then welcome to ‘Powerful Presentations – For Business.’

We are about to explore some simple but highly effective strategies for you to not just handle your nerves a little better, but to create an empowered state of mind for you to feel nothing less than the best you can feel when delivering a presentation in a business environment.

Handle nerves and deliver presentations with impact

Friday, 29 August 2014

Maximise your Training ROI

We humans can be lazy at times. We let projects slip and make unfulfilled promises. We get easily distracted, come up against obstacles and always manage to find more interesting things to do, rather than what we should be and have committed to doing, even though these things will take us toward our goals.

So, in order to reach one of your goals, you have recognised a need for training. You have found the right course, but how will you ensure that the learning from the course will be sustained? Many delegates will return back to the workplace, be thrown back into the routine and pressures of office life with the usual practices that they know and are comfortable with.

Train and retain: ensure you implement your knowledge

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Making Success a Habit

Many books over the years have been written on the power of setting goals; perhaps you have attended a training course or motivational seminar in which ‘setting goals’ was a big part of the programme?

Even though goals are a key piece of the puzzle when creating success, many people end up setting goals of being successful as opposed to simply ‘making success a habit.’

Make your own success

Friday, 1 August 2014

How do you manage your boss?

As a manager, a huge part of your role is to be able to manage your team effectively, take responsibility for their development and wellbeing and get them onside to working towards a common goal. This of course starts with managing yourself. Effective leaders are, first of all, effective in managing themselves, their time, their focus and their emotions. But have you considered that you may also be responsible for managing your boss?
Manage your manager with confidence